Mike’s ‘55

My ‘57 Nomad caught on fire and was totaled. I found this ‘55 Nomad for my replacement from a friend who had it sitting in his back yard for 25 years rusting away. His wife told him she wanted a shed where the Nomad was and so he sold it to me for $1,500 to please his wife with a new garden shed. The top was so rusted out that I had to cut it off and I found a Pontiac Safari top as a replacement. I took the drive train out of the ‘57 Nomad and rebuilt the 327 and 700R4.

I installed power disk brakes, power steering, power windows and a tilt wheel. It took me about 3 years to restore but it was worth the time and effort on the results.

Photos provided by Mike


Jason & Cristina's '55


Bill & Debbie's '56